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Leland Town Council Meeting Regarding the Villages at Battleship Point


Article by the North Carolina Coastal Federation

The Coastal Federation is among a coalition of local organizations opposed to a proposed development at Point Peter, known as the Villages at Battleship Point. A group of investors is looking to construct three 24-story towers housing condos, shops, and businesses along the west bank of the Cape Fear River.

As you can read in comments the Federation submitted to the New Hanover County Commissioners in January, the proposed project is in direct conflict with long-term conservation efforts within the Lower Cape Fear River watershed and puts wetland, wildlife, and our community at risk.

After the New Hanover County Commissioners tabled this request to further explore and develop a vision for the west bank of the Lower Cape Fear River, the investors have approached the Town of Leland to request it annex the property into its city limits, and zone it to allow its development.

The NC Coastal Federation is urging citizens to attend the Leland Town Council meeting on Thursday, March 17th at 6 pm to comment on this project. You can sign up to speak during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting to voice your opinions on Consent Agenda item 8.6.1. Please let the council know if you are a Leland resident.

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