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Terashima announces run for Democratic Party state chair




January 16, 2023 LON ANDERSON

Terashima Announces Run For Democratic Party State Chair

Brunswick County Democratic Party Chairman Eric Terashima has announced that he is a candidate for State Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party.

The party’s State Chair oversees the operations of the State party, which provides assistance and support to candidates at the state and local levels as well as to the County parties. In announcing his candidacy, Terashima issued the following statement:

North Carolina Democrats were optimistic about the midterms, but suffered disappointing results. After reviewing the results, many of us have concluded the state Democratic Party leadership must organize more quickly, leave no legislative races uncontested, and turn out our base more effectively.

During my 30-year U.S. Marine Corps career, I developed a unique skill set — refining bureaucracies to make organizations efficient and effective. As a Colonel, I provided leadership during eight combat tours, working with folks from around the world to problem solve while dealing with inherent cultural barriers. I led with honor, courage, and commitment to those under my command.

I have served two years as Brunswick County Democratic Party Chair and was a candidate for the NC House. My county and campaign outperformed statewide trends.

I have the experience to strengthen our organization in North Carolina's 100 counties. With the support of a majority of members of the State Executive Committee, we can make a top-down, inefficient state party into a winner, guided by the principles and convictions of Democrats statewide.

Elections for the NCDP Chair will be held during the party’s State Executive Committee virtual meeting on February 11. There are a few over 750 SEC members who will be eligible to cast votes in this election.


Visit for more information.

View WECT's article by Jon Evans on Terashima's candidacy.


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