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Support Bob Fulton for Brunswick County Commissioner


Robert “Bob” Fulton, a retired Army veteran, has had a remarkably diverse career, ranging from management positions at a U.S. airline to running a union to president of a Brunswick County Home Owners Association. 

Now he’s embarking on a run for political office, and he’s finding it’s a sharp and challenging departure from his previous positions. Bob stepped up to run for office in January, past the December filing deadline for partisan candidates. So he’s trying to get on the November ballot as an unaffiliated candidate. In order to do that, he must get the signatures of more than 5,000 Brunswick County residents by the March 5 primary election.

Bob is on a mission. With his supporters, he wants people to know it’s time to speak out against the free pass that developers in fast-growing Brunswick County are receiving. “Over development, unregulated open burning, clear-cutting, and the under-supervised draining of our wetlands is hurting us in our pocketbooks and destroying the reasons why so many folks moved here,” he says. “We need growth, but it has to be smart growth, and none of the commissioners is willing to address it.”

What’s it been like to buttonhole residents and ask them to sign his petition? “It’s a challenge,” Bob says. “We’re using all kinds of approaches to convince folks — Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated residents — to join us in our campaign to protect the beauty and environment in Brunswick County.”

The strategies the Fulton campaign is using to get voters’ attention include staffing primary polling locations, attending festivals and other public functions, phone calls, emails and good, old-fashioned door-to-door canvassing. “They’re all great ways to energize people and build momentum for our cause,” he said, as he hustled off to get one more signature.

Bob’s hard work is getting positive results, as word about his candidacy spreads. He’s been interviewed locally by WHQR, Wilmington’s NPR station, and by Bloomberg News.

“Bob can get the signatures he needs with our help,” says Brunswick County Democratic Party Chair Shelley Allen. “Republicans know they’re facing an increasingly skeptical electorate that’s fully aware the Commission has been sleeping at the switch while developers run wild. Electing Bob Fulton would be a needed wake-up call for the Commission and a great sign there’s a new order in Bolivia.” 

We're down to the wire, and YOU can help us reach our goal!

*Please go to the BCDP website for a petition, Bob’s bio, and an overview of where he stands on the issues. Print a copy of the petition sheet, sign it, and ask family, friends, neighbors to do the same. When you’ve completed gathering signatures — even if only one! — email BCDP Third Vice Chair Mike Rush ( to arrange collection of your petition sheet(s) — BEFORE March 5. Or, you can drop off petitions yourself at the Government Center in Bolivia, Board of Elections office (Bldg H) by March 4, 5:00 p.m. We can do it BCDP!

Thanks for your help.


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