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NC Republicans Block Insulin Cap Again, Brunswick Beacon


Last week Democrats passed H.R.5376, the Inflation Reduction Act, with no Republican votes. It pays down our debt, boosts energy production, and lowers prescription drug costs. Republicans couldn’t stop it, but did block a $35/month price cap on insulin Democrats tried to include. North Carolina’s two Republican senators, Burr and Tillis, joined fellow Republicans in sabotaging the hopes of millions of diabetics. It’s just the latest example of North Carolina Republicans blocking Democratic efforts to lower insulin’s cost.

Insulin was invented 100 years ago by Canadian doctor Frederick Banting. He refused to profit from his discovery, saying “Insulin does not belong to me. It belongs to the world.” For years, its cost was relatively low, but has more than tripled in the last 20 years. Why? Because 90% of the world’s production is controlled by three companies. Most countries regulate the cost of prescription drugs, including insulin. The US doesn’t. As a result, American diabetics pay 8 times as much for insulin as Canadians!

Democrats have been trying to lower the cost of insulin for years. Republicans have blocked them every time. In December 2019, House Democrats passed H.R.3, the “Lower Drug Costs Now Act.” Congressmen Ted Budd and David Rouzer voted “No" and the Republican-controlled senate refused to even consider it.

Last November, House Democrats passed the Build Back Better Act, which included an insulin cap. Budd and Rouzer voted “No.”

In March, House Democrats passed H.R.6833, the “Affordable Insulin Now Act.” Again, Budd and Rouzer voted “No.”

If you live in Brunswick County, every Republican representing you in Washington has blocked every Democratic effort to lower the cost of insulin because they answer to the political action committees that heavily finance their campaigns.

Elect people who will answer to you and lower your drug costs. Send Cheri Beasley to the Senate and Charles Graham to the House of Representatives.

Joanne Levitan



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