Bill McHugh, a Democratic member of the Leland Town Council, has been chosen to serve a second term on the Legislative Policy Committee of the North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM).
Bill, who says he was “honored” to be selected for the second time, works with his fellow committee members to develop legislative goals, vetting policy proposals forwarded by NLCM members. Based on the committee’s recommendations, and after a final vote by member cities and towns, the NLCM creates an advocacy agenda for the state legislature that is focused and broadly representative of municipalities throughout the state.
For the past century, NLCM has been a voice for North Carolina cities and towns. According to Mark-Anthony Middleton, president of the League and Durham mayor pro-tem, the goals of the NLCM’s Legislative Policy Committee are to seek consensus on issues of importance to the state’s municipalities. He said service on the Legislative Policy Committee is “crucial to ensuring that our policy goals are representative of the broad array of North Carolina cities and towns.”
For this reason, the residents of Leland should be appreciative that one of their own is serving in this important organization.