It’s National Voter Registration Day! Already registered? Check and make sure it’s up-to-date at iwillvote.com. Your Vote is Your Voice!
From our Brunswick County Board of Elections:
National Voter Registration Day is the nation’s biggest nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to getting every eligible American registered to vote for their next election.
This year, the Brunswick County Board of Elections partnered with Brunswick County Libraries. A Board of Elections representative will be at each library branch tomorrow (Tuesday, September 19) at the following times:
Margaret & James Harper, Jr. Library
109 West Moore Street, Southport
10am – 12pm
Rourk Branch Library
5068 Main Street, Shallotte
11am – 1pm
Leland Library
487 Village Road, Leland
11am – 1pm
Oak Island
G.V. Barbee, Sr. Branch Library
8200 East Oak Island Drive, Oak Island
10am – 12pm
Carolina Shores
Southwest Brunswick Branch Library
9400 Ocean Highway West, Carolina Shores
12pm – 2pm
Voter registration will be available to anyone wishing to register or update their registration. We also have refrigerator magnets with QR codes that voters can use to check their registration.