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Hold Chemours Accountable for PFAs, Brunswick Beacon, March 31, 2022


It is time to hold the Chemours Chemical Company accountable for the pollution they have visited upon the citizens of Brunswick County. For over 30 years, Chemours, and before it DuPont, contaminated the Cape Fear River and wells with chemicals called polyfluoralkyls substances, commonly known as PFAS.

The company’s dangerous pollution of our drinking water and environment has affected not only Brunswick County but at least seven other local counties: Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, and Sampson.

PFA compounds are called “forever chemicals” because once they are put into the environment, they are extremely costly and difficult to remove. Brunswick County is spending an estimated $160 million to install an advanced treatment system to get rid of Chemours’ toxins. The county filed a lawsuit in 2017, still ongoing, against Chemours to hold the company responsible for the cost.

Rather than providing compensation and support for Brunswick County’s PFAS removal project, Chemours is sinking money into a frivolous, deceptive advertising campaign. It’s galling to watch this public relations blitz, with daily television ads that tout Chemours’ supposed efforts to protect the quality of life and the environment by reducing their pollutants (PFAS).

In reality, Chemours has done nothing to remove the contaminants (PFAS) already present in the Cape Fear River, the environment and our drinking water (including wells).

I strongly urge the state legislature of North Carolina to get behind Brunswick County’s lawsuit, assist in moving it forward and finally hold Chemours accountable for the forever chemicals they released into our water and environment.

Judy Lynch

Sunset Beach


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