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Early Voting Continues Until Nov. 5 - Have Questions?


Register In-Person, same-day, during Early Voting. Voters registering during early voting must have resided in the county where they are registering for at least 30 days prior to Election Day.

Early Voting Schedule -- You may vote at any of the five Early Voting sites in Brunswick Co.

Print a Sample Ballot (for District 17 or District 19) to take to the polls. Find your NC General Assembly District here.

More Voting Information:

Ex-Felons Can Vote in NC

Ex-felons can register and vote in North Carolina: Ask for your Certificate of Restoration of Forfeited Rights of Citizenship from your releasing officer (N.C. Gen. Stat. 13-2). This is not necessary to register or vote, but may make it easier should you encounter any problems.

​Vote By Mail

Go to and request your ballot using the online form or download and print the form. Deadline to request your mail-in ballot is November 1. Once you receive your ballot, fill it out in the presence of 2 witnesses or a notary public (they don't see how you vote, only that you complete the ballot), sign the ballot envelope and have the witnesses sign. Return the completed ballot to the FC Board of Elections as soon as possible. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by 5pm November 8 and received by November 11. In-person returns must be made by 5pm November 8.

Curbside Voting

If you are unable to enter a polling site due to age or physical or mental disability, you may vote from your vehicle. Each polling site has one or more parking spaces set aside for curbside voters. If you are exhibiting symptoms of Covid or have a medical condition that puts you at risk for Covid, you may do curbside voting.

Still have questions? Visit our Voter Information page


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