Dr. Wesley Harris speaking at Brunswick County Democratic Party headquarters, October 12, 2023.
BCDP members had a full day on October 12, hearing from Attorney General Josh Stein in the morning, then Dr. Wesley Harris, candidate for North Carolina Treasurer, in the evening.
Wesley Harris is serving his third term as the representative for NC State House District 105 (Mecklenburg County). He grew up in rural NC (Taylorsville and Statesville) and graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a degree in Economics. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Clemson University.
At the BCDP meeting, Dr. Harris talked about his memories of when NC was at its best -- when it had the backs of the people. He pledged to be an advocate for working families across this state so that internet access, thriving public schools, affordable healthcare, and more are attainable by every North Carolinian. He wants government to get back to working for our communities.
Learn more about Dr. Harris on his website: https://harrisfornc.com/