Pictured: Some of the Brunswick Co. contingent with Representative Deb Butler (center), from New Hanover Co.
Over 150 pro-choice advocates gathered at the Rally for Abortion Access in downtown Wilmington on Saturday morning (May 13). Rally-goers, including several speakers, called on members of the NC General Assembly to uphold Governor Cooper's veto of the dangerous and unpopular abortion ban bill, SB 20.
Brunswick Co. Democrats joined with We Will Not Go Back Coastal Carolina, Southport Indivisible, New Hanover County Democrats, Pender Co. Democrats, Planned Parenthood (Wilmington), Pro-Choice NC, and other advocacy groups to demand that MAGA-Republican politicians stay out of women's private reproductive healthcare decisions.
A special shout out to the ~20 residents of Brunswick County who attended in support of access to abortion healthcare!

New Hanover County Dem. Party Chair, Jill Hopman, with Brunswick County Dem. Party Chair, Shelley Allen

Eric Terashima with two New Hanover County Democrats.

Many thanks to Pixie Healy, with the Pender Co. Democratic Women (and her husband), for driving from Pender to attend the rally.
