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Precinct Organization Sign-In


What is the BCDP Sign-In Sheet?


All precincts are required to hold an organization meeting every other year. At the meeting, members elect officers and complete their Sign-in Sheet. Every precinct is assessed a fee equal to $0.02 per registered Democrat in your precinct in the form of an optional contribution of a few dollars by active members. The suggested donation is $10 but feel free to give any amount you wish.



What if I am unable to attend my precinct meeting?


You do not have to attend the organization meeting to participate. However, to be considered an active member, it is necessary to submit a Sign-In Sheet. You can do so simply by clicking the link below and filling in the form.



If I cannot attend, why should I bother to fill out the form?


Every year, the BCDP and the 7th Congressional District of North Carolina hold conventions. This year's district convention will be held virtually on May 22 at 10:00 am. Each precinct is awarded delegate seats, the number of which depend upon how many voters in their precincts voted for the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in the prior election. The more votes, the more delegates. The more delegates, the more influence your precinct will have at the conventions.



What does that have to do with me?


If you want to ensure that your precinct is well represented at the conventions, it is important to submit a Sign-In Sheet and check off the boxes for county and district convention delegate. The number of votes we earn will be determined by the lesser of the number of delegates apportioned by the county and the district or the number of members who have signed up as delegates.



How do I qualify to be a delegate?


You must be (1) a Brunswick County resident registered as a Democrat and (2) have a pulse.



What if I do not want to attend the conventions?







Yes, it does not make a lot of sense, but the rules are the rules. Delegates attending the conventions will vote based upon the number of members who signed up. For example, if BCDP has 100 votes allotted and only five delegates attend, each delegate will represent twenty votes.  



How do I sign up?


Simply take a few moments to complete the online form by clicking or tapping the first link below. Then click or tap the next and make your recommended contribution or even more if you so choose. Finally, find the date and time of your precinct meeting by clicking or tapping the third link.

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